/* * (c) 2009 Adam Lackorzynski , * Frank Mehnert * economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) * * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License 2. * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details. */ #include #ifdef JAILHOUSE #include "inmate.h" #define X86_CR0_PE 0x00000001 .code16 .section ".jh.boot", "ax" .globl __reset_entry __reset_entry: ljmp $0xf000,$start16 .section ".jh.startup", "ax" start16: lgdtl %cs:gdt_ptr mov %cr0,%eax or $X86_CR0_PE,%al mov %eax,%cr0 ljmpl $INMATE_CS32,$_start .code32 loader_gdt: .quad 0 .quad 0x00cf9b000000ffff .quad 0x00af9b000000ffff .quad 0x00cf93000000ffff gdt_ptr: .short gdt_ptr - loader_gdt - 1 .long loader_gdt + FSEGMENT_BASE .align(4096) .global loader_pdpt loader_pdpt: .long 0x00000083 .align(4096) #endif .section .init .globl _start _start: #ifdef REALMODE_LOADING cld cli mov $(3 * 8), %eax mov %eax, %ds mov %eax, %es mov %eax, %fs mov %eax, %gs mov %eax, %ss lss _stack_seg, %esp #else leal _stack, %esp #endif pushl $0 pushl %esi /* Pointer to real mode or Xen start_info pointer */ pushl %eax pushl %ebx #ifndef XEN /* initialize vector for exception 6 */ movl $trap6_entry,%eax movw %ax, _idt_offset_low shrl $16, %eax movw %ax, _idt_offset_high movw %cs, %ax movw %ax, _idt_selector /* load tiny interrupt descriptor table to catch exception 6 */ lidtl _idtdesc #endif pushl $_exit jmp __main /* Show an error message and wait for keypress to reboot. */ trap6_entry: pusha cld jmp 8f /* printhex * edx: value to print * eax: location on screen */ 99: mov %eax, %edi add $(2*8), %edi 98: mov $numbers,%ebx mov %edx,%ecx shr $28,%ecx shl $4,%edx movzbl (%ebx,%ecx,1),%ecx mov $0x4, %ch mov %cx,(%eax) add $0x2,%eax cmp %edi,%eax jne 98b ret 8: /* print out warning */ movl $trap6_warning, %esi movl $(0xb8000 + (24*80*2)), %edi movb $0x0F, %ah 1: /* read next character from string */ lodsb /* check for end-of-string */ cmpb $0, %al je 3f /* Check for hex number */ cmpb $' ', %al jne 4f pusha mov (32 + 32)(%esp),%edx mov %edi, %eax call 99b popa add $(8*2), %edi jmp 1b 4: /* check for newline */ cmpb $'\n', %al jne 2f pushl %eax pushl %esi /* move screen upwards 1 line */ movl $((24*80*2)/4), %ecx movl $(0xb8000 + 1*80*2), %esi movl $0xb8000, %edi rep movsl /* clear last line of screen */ movl $((1*80*2)/4), %ecx movl $0x07200720, %eax rep stosl popl %esi popl %eax /* jump to new line */ movl $(0xb8000 + (24*80*2)), %edi jmp 1b 2: /* print character */ stosw jmp 1b 3: /* wait for keypress */ inb $0x64, %al testb $0x01, %al je 3b movb %al, %ah /* empty keyboard buffer */ inb $0x60, %al /* ignore PS/2 mouse events */ testb $0x20, %ah jne 3b jmp reboot /* the warning text */ trap6_warning: .ascii "\n" .ascii "Bootstrap: Invalid opcode at detected!\n" .ascii "Be sure that you don't use any CPU optimization flags like\n" .ascii " -march=i686\n" .ascii "when compiling Bootstrap and the depending libraries.\n" .ascii "\n" .asciz " Press any key to reboot..." numbers: .ascii "0123456789abcdef" /* MultiBoot header - see multiboot.h. */ .p2align(2) #define MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO 0x00000002 _mb_header: .long 0x1BADB002 /* magic */ .long MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO /* flags: AOUT_KLUDGE */ .long 0 - 0x1BADB002 - MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_INFO #ifndef XEN .word 0 _idtdesc: .word (7*8)-1 .long _idt _idt: .word 0,0,0,0 /* trap 0 */ .word 0,0,0,0 /* trap 1 */ .word 0,0,0,0 /* trap 2 */ .word 0,0,0,0 /* trap 3 */ .word 0,0,0,0 /* trap 4 */ .word 0,0,0,0 /* trap 5 */ _idt_offset_low: .word 0 _idt_selector: .word 0 .byte 0 .byte 0xee _idt_offset_high: .word 0 #endif #ifdef REALMODE_LOADING _stack_seg: .long _stack .long (3 * 8) #endif .bss .space 8192 .globl _stack _stack: