#ifndef COMPLEXMAT_H #define COMPLEXMAT_H #include #include "dynmem.hpp" #include "cuda_runtime.h" #include "cufft.h" #include "cuda/cuda_error_check.cuh" class ComplexMat { public: uint cols; uint rows; uint n_channels; uint n_scales = 1; bool foreign_data = false; cudaStream_t stream = nullptr; ComplexMat() : cols(0), rows(0), n_channels(0) {} ComplexMat(uint _rows, uint _cols, uint _n_channels, cudaStream_t _stream) : cols(_cols), rows(_rows), n_channels(_n_channels), stream(_stream) { CudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc(&p_data, n_channels * cols * rows * sizeof(cufftComplex))); } ComplexMat(uint _rows, uint _cols, uint _n_channels, uint _n_scales, cudaStream_t _stream) : cols(_cols), rows(_rows), n_channels(_n_channels), n_scales(_n_scales), stream(_stream) { CudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc(&p_data, n_channels * cols * rows * sizeof(cufftComplex))); } ComplexMat(ComplexMat &&other) { cols = other.cols; rows = other.rows; n_channels = other.n_channels; n_scales = other.n_scales; p_data = other.p_data; stream = other.stream; other.p_data = nullptr; } ~ComplexMat() { if (p_data != nullptr && !foreign_data) { CudaSafeCall(cudaFree(p_data)); p_data = nullptr; } } void create(uint _rows, uint _cols, uint _n_channels, cudaStream_t _stream = nullptr) { rows = _rows; cols = _cols; n_channels = _n_channels; stream = _stream; CudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc(&p_data, n_channels * cols * rows * sizeof(cufftComplex))); } void create(uint _rows, uint _cols, uint _n_channels, uint _n_scales, cudaStream_t _stream = nullptr) { rows = _rows; cols = _cols; n_channels = _n_channels; n_scales = _n_scales; stream = _stream; CudaSafeCall(cudaMalloc(&p_data, n_channels * cols * rows * sizeof(cufftComplex))); } // cv::Mat API compatibility cv::Size size() { return cv::Size(cols, rows); } int channels() { return n_channels; } int channels() const { return n_channels; } void set_stream(cudaStream_t _stream) { stream = _stream; return; } void sqr_norm(DynMem &result) const; ComplexMat sqr_mag() const; ComplexMat conj() const; ComplexMat sum_over_channels() const; cufftComplex *get_p_data() const; // element-wise per channel multiplication, division and addition ComplexMat operator*(const ComplexMat &rhs) const; ComplexMat operator/(const ComplexMat &rhs) const; ComplexMat operator+(const ComplexMat &rhs) const; // multiplying or adding constant ComplexMat operator*(const float &rhs) const; ComplexMat operator+(const float &rhs) const; // multiplying element-wise multichannel by one channel mats (rhs mat is with one channel) ComplexMat mul(const ComplexMat &rhs) const; // multiplying element-wise multichannel by one channel mats (rhs mat is with multiple channel) ComplexMat mul2(const ComplexMat &rhs) const; // text output friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ComplexMat &mat) { float *data_cpu = reinterpret_cast(malloc(mat.rows * mat.cols * mat.n_channels * sizeof(cufftComplex))); CudaSafeCall(cudaMemcpy(data_cpu, mat.p_data, mat.rows * mat.cols * mat.n_channels * sizeof(cufftComplex), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); // for (int i = 0; i < mat.n_channels; ++i){ for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { os << "Channel " << i << std::endl; for (uint j = 0; j < mat.rows; ++j) { for (uint k = 0; k < 2 * mat.cols - 2; k += 2) os << "(" << data_cpu[j * 2 * mat.cols + k] << "," << data_cpu[j * 2 * mat.cols + (k + 1)] << ")" << ", "; os << "(" << data_cpu[j * 2 * mat.cols + 2 * mat.cols - 2] << "," << data_cpu[j * 2 * mat.cols + 2 * mat.cols - 1] << ")" << std::endl; } } free(data_cpu); return os; } void operator=(ComplexMat &rhs); void operator=(ComplexMat &&rhs); private: mutable float *p_data = nullptr; }; #endif // COMPLEXMAT_H