This is Debian packaging of the Hercules compiler provided by ETHZ. Compiling the compiler manually =============================== To compile the compiler, without creating the Debian package, run: apt install quilt cmake ninja-build python3 git submodule update --init export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index" quilt push -a make make install This will install the compiler and related stuff into ~/opt/hercules-compiler. Creating Debian packages ======================== A simple method to create the debian package is the following: apt install build-essential cmake ninja-build python3 make create-orig-tgz dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us To create the package for different distribution and/or architecture sbuild is recommended. Setup the sbuild chroot as documented at Then run: make create-orig-tgz sbuild To cross-build the package for different architecture, first install qemu-user-static to both your host system and the build chroot: sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static sbuild-apt apt-get install qemu-user-static Then build the package: make create-orig-tgz sbuild --host=arm64