Releasing a new Debian package ============================== 0. (optional) Test the build: gbp dch --snapshot gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new 1. Update Debian changelog for the new release: git checkout debian/changelog # remove any snapshots etc. from the changelog gbp dch --release --commit This opens an editor, where you can (if needed) change the package version or the changelog entries generated automatically from git commit messages. 2. Build the package: gbp buildpackage --git-tag -b -uc -us The `-b -uc` options and possibly others are passed to the build tool. You can add `--git-builder=sbuild` if you want to use `sbuild` command to build the package in clean environment. Then use required sbuild options instead of `-b -uc`. 3. Push new commit (change log) and version tag to the server: git push --follow-tags