[[!meta title="Sukhotin Mikhail"]] **Project name and homepage:** [JAVA CANmonitor](http://ortcan.sourceforge.net/canmonitor/) Assignment ====== I want to participate in this project on next activity: Change UI of CANMonitor for non-dependency from Java IDEA components. Now this project use library ui.jar, which source code is not open. If it will be too easy, this project has a lot of other possible tasks. Besides work with open-source project I want to improve my knowledge of Java UI tools. Links documenting the results of my work ====== Here, I'll add links similar to the examples below and describe what is being linked. * [My communication with developers in a public mailing list archive](http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=96105043-A96C-4EDB-90C1-F235E626CA7B%40fel.cvut.cz&forum_name=ocera-development) * [Version control repository with the actual state of my work](https://github.com/SukhotinM/ortcan_canmonitor) * [My commit in the project repository](https://github.com/SukhotinM/ortcan_canmonitor/commit/15f723c2ba108b13f46c7bc889e43efffae44263) Presentation ========== * [[Presentation of the aim of my work in PDF|prezentace1.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|OSP_end.pdf]] Ohloh ===== Ohloh profile for sukhomik