[[!meta title="Mirtes Ondřej"]] **Project name and homepage:** [ApiGen](http://apigen.org/) Assignment ====== ApiGen is an advanced documentation generator for source code written in PHP similar to JavaDoc for Java. It heavily relies on [TokenReflection library](https://github.com/Andrewsville/PHP-Token-Reflection) from the same authors. My goal is to implement a cached backend for TokenReflection library, since it currently uses a memory-based one. It has to parse the source code files again with each request and therefore it's really slow. I need the caching for the purposes of my diploma thesis which also uses TokenReflection library. Links documenting the results of my work ====== Here, I'll add links similar to the examples below and describe what is being linked. * [My communication with developers in an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/Andrewsville/PHP-Token-Reflection/issues/47) * Version control repository with the actual state of my work * My commit in the project repository Presentation ========== * Presentation of the aim of my work in PDF format * Presentation of the results of my work Ohloh ===== Here, I'll fill in the HTML code of the [Ohloh widget][w] showing my KudoRank.