[[!meta title="Tarant Petr"]] **Project name and homepage:** [Example project](http://www.example.com) Assignment ====== **The MigDB Project - Database Migration** There are a lot of software applications, which are using object-relation mapping (ORM), this approach speeds up the development a lot, on the other hand most of the current ORM frameworks focus only at software creation, not on software evolution. The goal of our project is to create a framework which evolves the entities (objects) and the database (schema and data) without loss of any information stored in the database. We call our approach extended ORM. **Issues to solve:** Create operation ExtractClass: [issue-131][1] link: [MigDB][2] Links documenting the results of my work ====== * [Version control repository with the actual state of my work](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/tree/evolution_api) Because of the difficulty and extensiveness of the problem I must do more then one commit. 1. [Initialization of operation](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/c22a20dfb511748ba2409c66944f694afd2e6369) 2. [Property type problem in operation](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/70aab207655e838c2857b8649faec10f80264f26) 3. [Final state of operation in APP meta-model and APP evalution](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/ed33f7911ea99ee2e0bacb3f6f12a9d41ae9b937) 4. [Final test for APP evolution](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/413af68efc5d79425f128ecd88a0f82657fd5e4f) 5. [First part of ORM mapping](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/69d1a110c980989b2dcee9c8f2d3c88b6a65b049) 6. [Prepate comparator component for ORM testing](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/7a6deab306db11ea16eeae140778292a15ccef11) 7. [Repair small bug in ExtractClass definition (meta-model)](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/4db1d4b1bd724eadcef3a7591f1655bfbe719ba2) 8. [Repair small bug in ExtractClass definition (evolution and builders)](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/c365a2c07f1d0de2ae0c9067076596433d41c69e) Documentation of my operation is in GitWiki: * [Documentation of ExtractClass operation](https://github.com/migdb/migdb/wiki/Operations:-Application-Layer) Presentation ========== * [[Presentation of the aim of my work|preszentace1.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|presentation2.pdf]] Ohloh ===== Here, I'll fill in the HTML code of the [Ohloh widgetu][w] showing my KudoRank. For example: Ohloh profile for Linus.Torvalds [w]:https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/taranpe1/widgets [[preszentace1.pdf]] [1]: https://github.com/migdb/migdb/issues/131 [2]: https://github.com/migdb/migdb [3]: https://github.com/migdb/migdb/commit/ed33f7911ea99ee2e0bacb3f6f12a9d41ae9b937