[[!meta title="Bruštík Tomáš"]] Assignment ====== **Project name and homepage:** [Netbeans](https://netbeans.org/) Netbeans is an open-source IDE, which is used for programming in various languages. It can be also used for creating and editing files. I have chosen a [bug](https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=238113), which I will try to fix. The bug is about different behaviour for images and binary files in netbeans. If you are editing a file (java, c, xml, etc..), you can right click on the tab on which you have all opened files and in the menu, there is a option for Copy file path. This option however is not presented with binary files (like fonts ttf, woff) or images (like jpg, png), even though that the shortcut for Copy file path is working. I'll try to add this option to the menu, so that every user (even the ones who don't know the shortcut) can use this command. Links documenting the results of my work ====== [Bug 238113 on Netbeans Bugzilla](https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=238113) Presentation ========== - [[OSP_presentation_1.pdf]] - [[OSP_presentation_2.pdf]] Ohloh ===== Here, I'll fill in the HTML code of the [Ohloh widgetu][w] showing my KudoRank.