[[!meta title="Janoušek Michal"]] **Název projektu:** Sound Juicer **Domovská stránka projektu:** **Další informace k projektu:** Zadání ====== sound-juicer - gnome-love sound-juicer bugs
stažení a ukládání artworku do adresáře kam se ripuje
opravení kódování UTF8 Odkazy ====== * Odkazy na mou komunikaci s vývojáři... UTF-8 bug Cover enhancement * Odkaz na můj repozitář s aktuálním stavem mé práce **git://www.roecalf.cz/LaTeXDraw.git** * Další relevantní odkazy dokládající mou práci... https://translations.launchpad.net/latexdraw/trunk/+lang/cs Prezentace ========== * [[Prezentace záměru práce ve formátu PDF|prezentace1.pdf]] * [[Prezentace výsledku práce|prezentace2.pdf]] Komunikace s vyvojari ===================== Arnaud Blouin 29. dubna 2010 8:35 Komu: Michal Janoušek Hi! 2010/4/27 Michal Janoušek Hi, I made the CZ translation of your project Thanks for the translation. I will include it so that you can test it. and I could help you with the code, because Im Java programmer too. Ok, great. Version 2.0 is really awful and I do not want you to lost your time in navigating in this awful code; i prefer you code for version 2.1. For the moment, version 2.1 is completely broken because I've made a lot of changes (in fact I rewrote latexdraw) so it will be pretty difficult to do something on it. However, maybe you have some ideas about what you want to do. If not, what do you think about developing the pgf/tikz export? I think it is a great idea and it only requires to look into a little par of the code of 2.1 that works. Are you motivated for that ? (you can say no, and we will find something else ;) ) I have another idea: develop a colour palette better than those provided by Java Swing. Cheers, Arno Have a nice Day, Bye