[[!meta title="Suchý Ondřej"]] **Project name and homepage:** [Lazarus IDE](http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/) Assignment ====== I would like to fix this simple bug [bugtracker entry](http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=25683), bug was at least partially fixed, I have absolutely no idea how to fix the bad build number in exe file. I would like to fix this simple bug [bugtracker entry](http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=22645) second bug I was working on, I localized the bug, but I'm not sure with solution. Links documenting the results of my work ====== Here, I'll add links similar to the examples below and describe what is being linked. Presentation ========== * [[Presentation about Lazarus IDE and screenshot of the form with my bug|Lazarus.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|LazarusFinal.pdf]] Ohloh ===== Here, I'll fill in the HTML code of the [Ohloh widgetu][w] showing my KudoRank. For example: [w]:https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/suchyon6/widgets