[[!meta title="Lieberzeit Pavel"]] **Project name and homepage:** [BuildCraft](http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/) Assignment ====== BuildCraft is a popular modification, or extension, to the even more popular video game Minecraft. It adds many features, for example complex machines allowing the player automate some of their jobs and create even more intricate and complex contraptions. My assignment is to look for and fix bugs in the mod. The actual bugs that I will fix are currently unknown - some are reported on the forums, and many more may lurk in the code. It's a question of finding them. My main goal is investigating and fixing [this bug](https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/issues/1357) Failing at that, I'll write some documentation. Links documenting the results of my work ====== For reference, me = Humungus * [Initial forum post](http://mod-buildcraft.com/forums/index.php?topic=104.0) * [Forked repository on github, actual branches I worked on are 6.1.flicker2 and 6.1.x](https://github.com/Humungus/BuildCraft/tree/6.1.flicker2) * [Official git repo of BuildCraft](https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft) * Series of pull requests of a fix for the same problem: * [Deemed too sensitive for old stable branches](https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/pull/1770) * [Fix with a discussion and explanations what does what and what exactly was causing the problem](https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/pull/1774) * [Latest fix, much simpler and effective than the previous one. Idea for it came from the discussion in the previous PR](https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/pull/1776) Presentation ========== * [[Presentation of the aim of my work in PDF|liebepav-buildcraft.pdf]] * [[Presentation of the results of my work|liebepav-buildcraft-end.pdf]] * [Video of the final result (used in presentation)](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48472211/after.avi) Ohloh ===== Ohloh profile for Humungus