T:=$(filter-out lib.sh,$(wildcard *.sh)) # Run slow test at the end T:=$(filter-out filter%,$(T)) $(filter filter%,$(T)) .PHONY: $(T:%=run-%) all: $(T:%=run-%) @echo "Run 'make plot' to generate graphs" TEST_FLAGS = -P -t all -l all $(if $(UPDATE),-u) $(T:%=run-%):run-%: ./$* $(TEST_FLAGS) .PHONY: plot plotall PLOT_SCRIPTS=$(shell find results -name plot.sh) define plot_template plot: $1/graph.png $1/graph.png: $1/plot.sh $(notdir $1).sh lib.sh $(wildcard $1/*.txt) $1/plot.sh -X endef define plotall_template plotall: plot-$1 .PHONY: plot-$1 plot-$1: $1/plot.sh -X endef $(foreach result_dir,$(PLOT_SCRIPTS:%/plot.sh=%),$(eval $(call plot_template,$(result_dir)))) $(foreach result_dir,$(PLOT_SCRIPTS:%/plot.sh=%),$(eval $(call plotall_template,$(result_dir)))) .PHONY: RTEMS RTEMS: ./rtems_bench.py .PHONY: html html: ./genhtml/genhtml.py results KERNELS= 3.0.4-00007-g1c8c373 3.0.4-rt14-00008-gb2052fd .PHONY: allkern $(KERNELS:%=kernel-%) allkern: $(KERNELS:%=kernel-%) $(KERNELS:%=kernel-%): kernel-%: ln -sf uImage-$* /srv/tftp/ryu/uImage dtrrts /dev/ttyUSB0 1 1 sleep 30 $(MAKE)