inc: all clean: all all: @echo "" @echo "***" @echo "* You are building Arctic Core using the Empty Toolchain." @echo "* This toolchain is designed to produce nothing, but to integrate well with Arctic Studio." @echo "* " @echo "* You are probably seeing this message for one of the following reasons:" @echo "* 1. You are using the Arctic Studio 'Build All' command." @echo "* There is no harm in this. However, if you don't want to see this message, you can build just your own project" @echo "* by marking your project in the Project Explorer and using the 'Build Project' command instead." @echo "* " @echo "* 2. You have 'Build automatically' activated." @echo "* There is no harm in this either. Just deselect it in the Project menu to stop rebuilding on every save." @echo "* " @echo "* 3. Your workspace setup is wrong." @echo "* If you are developing an application for Arctic Core you should put all your code in a separate C-project." @echo "* This project should then reference the Arctic Core source code project. Please refer to" @echo "* for instructions on setting up your workspace." @echo "* " @echo "* Arctic Studio keeps a separate console for each of the projects in the workspace. To view the log for another project" @echo "* simply select that project in the Project Explorer." @echo "* " @echo "*** DONE"