# incoming # SUBDIR - also the same as the MAKECMDGOAL # ROOTDIR # environment should handle # Targets # pc: gcc(_WIN32), ppc: gcc(_PPC) and diab(_PPC) CFG_ARCH_$(ARCH):=y RELDIR := $(subst $(TOPDIR)/,,$(CURDIR)) dummy: COMPILER?=gcc include $(ROOTDIR)/scripts/cc_$(COMPILER).mk # Create the target name... target := $(subst /,_,$(SUBDIR)) # Get object files include ../makefile # build- targets are "end" target that the included makefile want's to build all: $(build-lib-y) $(build-exe-y) # Determine what kind of filetype to build from VPATH += ../src VPATH += .. inc-y += ../include .SUFFIXES: # Extremly simple depencendy stuff -include $(subst .o,.d,$(obj-y)) # Compile %.o: %.c @echo " >> CC $<" $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(addprefix -I ,$(inc-y)) $(addprefix -D,$(def-y)) $< # Assembler %.o: %.s $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< # PP Assembler %.s: %.S @echo " >> CPP $<" $(CPP) -o $@ $(addprefix -I ,$(inc-y)) $(addprefix -D,$(def-y)) $< # lib $(build-lib-y): $(dep-y) $(obj-y) @echo " >> AR $(RELDIR)/$@" $(AR) -r -o $@ $(obj-y) 2> /dev/null $(Q)cp $@ ../lib # exe $(build-exe-y): $(obj-y) $(sim-y) $(libitem-y) @echo " >> LD $(RELDIR)/$@" $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ldcmdfile-y) -o $@ $(obj-y) $(libpath-y) --start-group $(lib-y) $(libitem-y) --end-group $(LDMAPFILE) @echo " >>>>>>> DONE <<<<<<<<<"